The General section is the first in the Venue Details tab and is where you fill in key information about your venue. Questions in red are required and have to be answered before you can apply to join a festival/season.
Venue Category - the default is standard, this is most venues. If you're venue is outdoors (a park, playing field, outdoor theatre) you can select Outdoors from the dropdown here.
Name - The venue name, you can change it here if needed
Include in Venue Browser - flip to YES to allow artists and producers to search for your venue and apply to perform with you. Flip to NO if you don't want your venue to be searchable.
Main Admin Contact - this will autofill with your Eventotron account (if the profile icon is red, click on it and complete the form). If you want to make someone else the venue manager, click on the field and select add a new contact.
Managing Company - click on the dropdown, if you have a company in Eventotron it will appear here, if you don't and want to create one click Add a new company. You can also choose to leave this blank.
Venue Capacity - this will have the number you inputted when creating the venue. Please enter the maximum audience capacity. This can be restricted on an individual performance basis later, if necessary.
Reserved / Allocated Seating - YES if your venue has reserved/allocated seating. NO if not.
Meeting Point - Select YES if your venue is a meeting point - leave blank or select NO if not.
Image - Upload an image of your venue. Your image will be converted to a .jpg measuring 400 pixels wide by 400 pixels tall. Once uploaded, you can click the pencil icon to resize or crop your image. This image will be displayed in the Venue Browser. You are strongly encouraged to add an image here.
Description - A general description of your venue, suitable for audience members, artists and producers. Please note that if your venue is included in the venue browser, this description will appear in your public listing.
Email - this is the public email address for the venue and may be made available to artists / producers and audiences.
Website - venue website. Don't include 'http://' or 'https://' - for example
Venue Facebook - the facebook page link for the venue
Venue Twitter - the twitter page link for the venue
Venue Instagram - the instagram link for the venue
Admin Telephone - this is the public phone number for the venue and may be made available to artists / producers and audiences.
Address - Fill in the full address - this will then help set the location of you venue on the map.
Map - How to set your location on the map - We will try to work out your map location from the address details you enter. If we don't pinpoint your location closely enough, you can refine it in two ways:
Click on the map to set your location precisely (you can pan the map around by dragging and zoom in and out to find the exact spot) A red marker will appear where you click.
Enter your latitude and longitude coordinates to set the location precisely.
Latitude - This will autofill once you have dropped the pin on the map. If it is red you need to drop a pin on the map before continuing
Longitude - This will autofill once you have dropped the pin on the map. If it is red you need to drop a pin on the map before continuing
Location Notes - Enter any special instructions a visitor might need to find your venue.
Hire Notes - Let artists and producers know more about your venue and describe the type of deal you offer companies. For example, Straight Hire / Guarantee against Box Office Split / Box Office Split. This can be left blank if not applicable.
Hire Charge - Enter your hire charges. This can be left blank.
Everything saves automatically as indicated by the green SAVED icon appearing regularly at the top right.