This guide explains the Settings section in the venue festival / season tab
For detailed help setting up a venue and joining it to a festival / season, please see our Creating a Venue guide. In summary, you will need to do the following:
• Make an Eventotron Account
• Create a Venue
• Fill in the basic information about your venue
• Click +Join a festival from your venue’s page. Some festivals/seasons will admit your venue instantly, while others may ask for further information and then take time to approve your application.
You will now see a tab for the festival/season on your venue’s homepage. Before you go into this section, be sure to set ‘Include in Venue Browser’ to ‘Yes’ in the Venue Details / General section – this will ensure artists and producers can find your venue. You should also have filled in as much detail as possible in all the Venue Details sections so applicants have a good idea of what your venue offers.
Next, click on the festival / season tab in your venue’s homepage and then ‘Settings’
A festival or season will typically require a lot of information from an event. In the ‘Settings’ section you, as the venue manager, can set how much control events at your venue have over the information they provide to the festival/season.
Participants may apply to this venue - you can click on this to lock it if you do not want to accept event applications
Event applications must be approved - you can click on this to unlock and allow any event that applies to automatically be joined to your venue
Participants may edit event details - you can click on this to lock it so that participants can no longer edit their event details if you want to manage their event going forward
Participants may edit performances - you can click this to lock it so that participants cannot add and edit performance dates, times and prices at your venue - you are then in control of setting the schedule.
Live events with an audience can take place at this venue - only click on this to lock if your venue is online rather than a physical space
Events may not be live streamed from this venue - if your venue is online or if you are live streaming from your venue then click on this to unlock
Archived online events cannot be listed at this venue - if your venue is online then click to unlock
You are now ready to start considering event applications.