Once you have created your venue and chosen the settings appropriate for your space you are ready to start accepting event applications.
When an event joins a festival/season, they will be presented with a number of questionnaires to fill in. In many instances, events will search for venues and apply to them as part of the process of completing their registration questionnaires.
When an event expresses an interest in performing at your venue, you will receive an email notification.
To see the message, click on the link in the email or go to your venue in Eventotron, click the festival/season tab in your venue and then click on Events in conversation.
An email icon will indicate pending messages. Click on the circular event icon to read any messages, respond and to confirm your interest in the event.
If you chose not to confirm your interest, the event will stay in the Events in conversation section. Those you confirm will now appear in the Events at your venue section.
You can click Archive conversation if you do not want to take the application from the event further. Archived conversations can be viewed in Events in Conversation under Archived Conversations.
When you send a message or confirm venue interest the event will be notified. If you need to know more about the event before confirming your interest, just click the event’s name and you will be able to view the event’s main information.
If you make an offer to the event and they accept, you will be able to edit performance information (dates, times and prices) in line with whatever policies your venue may have in place. Please note that an event may need to consider multiple venue offers. If they accept your offer you will be notified by email and the event will appear in the Events at Your Venue section.