You have created an event and maybe you’ve applied to a festival or season. You are working with other people on the event and you’d like to give them access to it in Eventotron. Here’s how:
Go to your event in Eventotron (log in, click on EVENTS in the top menu and you’ll find your event under My Events)
Click on the person icon
Here you will see two sections – Your Team and Companies
To add a person – click +add a person and complete the form.
Once added that person will receive an email notifying them and providing them with log in details if they do not already have an Eventotron account.
Their profile icon will appear in red until their full contact details have been entered (you or they can do this – just click on the red profile icon and fill in the form). It’s important to complete the contact information as this can prohibit you from finalising your event.
Adding a company to your event
If you have a company then you can add it here – click +add a company and choose your company from the dropdown.
All the people associated with your company in Eventotron will now have access to the event.